
Singapore Employers Must Verify EP Applicants’ Educational Credentials

New Framework Aims to Prevent Fraudulent Qualifications

SINGAPORE: From September 1, 2022, employers in Singapore must authenticate the educational qualifications of Employment Pass (EP) applicants to ensure their validity, according to the Ministry of Manpower (MOM).

The EP permits foreign professionals, managers, and executives to work in Singapore, requiring a minimum salary of S$5,000 per month. Employers must also demonstrate fair hiring practices, showing that all jobseekers were given due consideration.

During the Committee of Supply (COS) debates on March 1, Minister for Manpower and Second Minister for Trade and Industry Tan See Leng stated that the verification requirement aims to “safeguard against gaming by submitting fraudulent educational qualifications.”

COMPASS Framework and Points System
This policy will be enforced under the Complementarity Assessment Framework (COMPASS), a new points-based system applicable to all incoming EP applications from September 2023 and to renewals from September 2024.

Under the COMPASS framework, applicants can score up to 20 points on the “Qualifications” criterion (Criterion Two). Employers seeking to claim these points must submit proof that the educational qualifications declared in EP applications have been verified.

Tackling Fraudulent Practices
The verification step is part of a broader effort to prevent the misuse of fraudulent degrees. MOM disclosed that in 2021, 15 work pass holders were investigated for potentially submitting fake university qualifications.

Details of the COMPASS framework have been gradually released since its announcement during the 2022 COS debate. Additional guidance will be available on the MOM website as the framework is fully implemented.

This initiative underscores Singapore’s commitment to maintaining a fair and transparent hiring system while ensuring the integrity of its foreign workforce policies.

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