
Singapore Approves Nearly 4,200 One Pass Applications in First Year

Exclusive Work Pass Attracts Top Global Talent Across Various Sectors

Singapore has granted nearly 4,200 applications under the Overseas Networks and Expertise (One) Pass in its first year, according to Manpower Minister Tan See Leng. Introduced in January 2023, the pass aims to attract top international talent by allowing them to work, operate businesses, and collaborate across multiple companies.

Dr. Tan emphasized that the One Pass is highly selective, targeting professionals with exceptional skills, industry expertise, and influential networks. Holders can also sponsor dependents, with spouses eligible to work in Singapore under a Letter of Consent. Additionally, they are exempt from certain job advertising and employment assessment requirements.

To qualify, applicants must earn a minimum monthly salary of S$30,000, either in their current role or from a future employer in Singapore. The scheme has attracted professionals primarily from growth sectors such as finance and information technology, with many pass holders holding leadership roles in their respective industries.

Dr. Tan highlighted that while One Pass holders represent a small percentage of the workforce, they play a crucial role in job creation and economic growth. He noted that businesses tend to follow talent, reinforcing Singapore’s position as a competitive global hub.

Since its launch, One Pass has seen strong interest, with many recipients transitioning from other work passes rather than being entirely new applicants. However, officials expect this ratio to shift over time as more international professionals take advantage of the program’s benefits.

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