
ELD Apologizes for Poll Card Error in Tanjong Pagar GRC

Over 9,800 voters receive two poll cards due to printer error, department assures proper voting process

The Elections Department (ELD) has apologized after a printing error caused more than 9,800 voters in Tanjong Pagar GRC to receive two poll cards for the upcoming presidential election. This issue arose when the appointed printer, Toppan, mistakenly sent out test prints alongside the correct poll cards.

As a result, 4,803 households, comprising 9,822 voters, received two poll cards. Of these, 9,354 voters received two cards with different serial numbers, while the remaining 468 voters received two identical cards. These affected voters are assigned to vote at polling stations such as St Margaret’s School, Tanglin Community Centre, Farrer Park Primary School, and Delta Sports Hall.

ELD assured that voters would only be able to vote once at their designated polling station, as identification and serial numbers will be checked against the register. The department has started reaching out to the affected voters, informing them of their correct voter serial numbers.

Voters can also verify their details through the ePoll cards on Singpass, which are unaffected by the printing error. They are advised to dispose of the duplicate or incorrect poll card. For further assistance, affected voters can contact the ELD helpline at 1800-CALL-ELD.

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